Hi. It’s Me, Nicole Dean.

And I Freaking love you already.

Have you ever been told you’re “too much” and that your dreams are “ridiculous”?

I have. That led to me hiding and playing small (and drinking to numb the pain of not being ME), for way way too long.

So I’ve found my life’s work in making sure that you know your dreams are not even close to too much and that you are only ridiculous in only the best way possible. Just like I am! #iamridiculous All the best ones are.

My goal? To help you to finally feel empowered in 3 ways:

  • Your business. Embrace the magic that you bring and step into your marketing.
  • Your money. You will have what it takes to do right by your money.
  • Your mindset. To know without a doubt that you have what it takes to reach your dreams.

So you can confidently follow those ridiculous dreams and live your life with no regrets.

Pfshew. That’s a lot. But you deserve every bit of it.

How? We’ll start by challenging the BS that you’re been told at every turn so you can be uniquely you and live your *ridiculous* dreams. You’ll be in the company of other women getting over the lies we’ve been told. Stepping into OUR businesses (not the ones some coach told us to create), growing OUR money together, and marketing confidently so that – we can live our best freaking lives!

It all starts by getting intentional and clear in where you are now, what you want, and what you need to close the gap.

Are you ready my new brave brave friend? You’ve got this. And I’ve got you.


Hi. It’s Me, Nicole Dean.

And I freaking Love You Already!

Who am I? Oh my goodness. I’m undefinable. (As are you.)

I am a breaker of chains*, amplifier of awesome, world traveler, multiplier of money, and seeker of adventures. And this could all change next week, because I’m an explorer.

Life is short and the world is full of amazing things. Let’s make a bunch of money, say “YES” to all the wonderful adventures, and live and love BIG while we are here! 

Keeping it Absolutely Ridiculous. Because we can.


Welcome To The “No Regrets Zone for *Ridiculous* Women”!

Do you Agree with These 6 Laws of the “no Regrets Code”?
this is the way.

01. My Life. My Way.

I live a simple beautiful life on my own terms. and anyone that tells me otherwise or tries yucks my yum can bite my butt.

02. My Adventures.

I always have adventures big and small to look forward to. And anyone that tells me i’m selfish for my adventures can bite my butt.

03. My Money.

I am wise and strategic with my money and I make my money grow. I love money and money loves me too! Anyone who tells me wealthy people are greedy or bad or that too much money will change me … can bite my butt.

04. My Body.

I take care of my body so it can do all I want it to do. I stay fit and strong. Movement is my path to health. Anyone that says literally anything about my body when it’s none of their darned business …. can bite my butt.

05. My Business.

I share and shine my unique self and I focus my time and energy on the activities that will provide true growth and bring me closer to my goals. any coach or critic that tries to dull my shine… can bite my butt.

06. My Impact.

I make the world a better place in all I say and do. The end.


Hello There, I’m Jennifer.

Add an intro blurb & introduce yourself.

So let’s celebrate you. And I mean ALL of you. Yes, even the parts you are scared of. Trust me. There is growth and possibility in all of it. I love you and you can’t scare me away.


Some Say Your Dreams are Ridiculous.

Others Say You’re “Too Much”.

I say You’re Perfect.

Just the other day one of my friends said “I almost hate to tell you this but I bought a swing for my chicken coop. For them to swing on… it’s beaded!”

I stopped everything and SQUEALED “OMG that’s ridiculous!”

She paused for a second looking at my smile…

And I whispered “That’s the highest compliment I could possibly give. I LOVE ridiculous!” and I gave her a big hug.

fair warning: if you are hiding your ridiculous self in any way, I am here to pull your true self out (even if she’s kicking and screaming).

Because my life’s mission is to make sure that every women’s life I touch – she can finally step into a life with NO REGRETS.

What does that entail? A few things.. mainly having the vision, the money, the support, the resources, and the mindset to make it all happen.

I have come up with the “No Regrets Zone” for Ridiculous Women.




My Favorite Things

02. Another Favorite

Halvah bear claw powder cotton candy I love. I love biscuit bonbon I love carrot cake candy canes.

04. All the Favorites

Chocolate cake danish cheesecake candy canes fruitcake powder marzipan powder fruitcake.

06. Another Love

Sesame snaps sugar plum ice cream macaroon tiramisu.

01. Favorite Thing

Jelly toffee lollipop gingerbread chupa chups. Powder bear claw tootsie roll.

03. As many as you want

Sweet roll cake wafer candy canes soufflé toffee jujubes.

05. Last One

Caramels chocolate cake cupcake chocolate bar muffin cotton candy candy canes.

Where to…

Collection of work


How I can help


Take a Journey with me

The Blog

Welcome To The “No Regrets Zone”!

This is our Code. this is the Way.

01. My Life. My Way.

I live a simple beautiful life on my own terms.

02. My Adventures.

I always have adventures big and small to look forward to.

03. My Money.

I am wise and strategic with my money and I make my money grow. I love money and money loves me too!

04. My Body

I take care of my body so it can do all I want it to do. I stay fit and strong. Movement is my path to health.

05. My Business

I share and shine my unique self and I focus my time and energy on the activities that will provide true growth and bring me closer to my goals.

06. My Impact

I make the world a better place in all I say and do.

Some say your dreams are ridiculous.

They’re Not.

Others Say you’re “too much”.

how DARE they.

I say you’re Perfect.

I See You. I am. I love you.

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Hello There, I’m Jennifer.

Add an intro blurb & introduce yourself.

Shortbread croissant I love soufflé candy sweet roll. Toffee sugar plum chocolate bar candy lemon drops. Candy chocolate cake I love jujubes cotton candy jujubes. Tootsie roll marshmallow soufflé oat cake.



Shortbread lemon drops sweet lemon drops dessert. Macaroon brownie topping cookie croissant.

Content Creation

Sweet chupa chups sugar plum donut cookie pastry danish lollipop. Cotton candy macaroon oat.

Social Media

Shortbread lemon drops sweet lemon drops dessert. Macaroon brownie topping cookie croissant.

Like to learn more?

Hello There, I’m Jennifer.

Add an intro blurb & introduce yourself.

Shortbread croissant I love soufflé candy sweet roll. Toffee sugar plum chocolate bar candy lemon drops. Candy chocolate cake I love jujubes cotton candy jujubes. Tootsie roll marshmallow soufflé oat cake.


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“They” say that launching your course is so hard. But they don’t have the power of collaboration.

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Are You A Weird, Wonderful and Wild Women Living With #NoRegrets?
If so Get the HECK In Here!